
Common Core Standards for Dummies
Common Core Standards for Dummies
Common Core Standards for Dummies
Ok, I think it's time to get to the bottom of this debate... if that's even possible. It seems like all I ever hear about on the news or on the street or on the air, is "Common Core this and Common Core that"!  Students seem to be struggling, parents are mad, and teachers are divided...
Maria College to Host Open House
Maria College to Host Open House
Maria College to Host Open House
We are so lucky to have so many great colleges in the Capital Region!  However, many of them are very expensive.  In fact, a report from US New and World Report states that nearly half of the Top 10 Most Expensive Colleges in NY are here in WGNA's listening area...
Toby Keith Controversy
Toby Keith Controversy
Toby Keith Controversy
Tell me what you think of this... Remember Stella Leibeck?  She's the one who sued McDonalds in 1992 after her coffee gave her third degree burns. She won a great deal of money in the suit. Stella has since passed, but her family is very angry with Toby Keith...
At What Size Are You the Happiest?
At What Size Are You the Happiest?
At What Size Are You the Happiest?
Even though all the magazines feature super skinny models with their size 2 clothing hanging off of them... A new survey found that the women who are HAPPIEST and the most comfortable in their bodies are women who are actually a SIZE 12. 74% of size 12 women are happy with how they look...
Women Say No Nookie Until They Get Their Road
Women Say No Nookie Until They Get Their Road
Women Say No Nookie Until They Get Their Road
Let me just say, I'm not recommending this method for just anything, however, for a life or death situation such as this... it just may be brilliant! All of the women in a small town in Colombia have launched a SEX STRIKE . . . no one's getting any until the one road into town is fixed...
Your Baby Really Does Hear You In the Womb
Your Baby Really Does Hear You In the Womb
Your Baby Really Does Hear You In the Womb
For generations, new moms and dads to be have been talking to their new fetus as it grows and develops - some won't admit it, but we all have done it!  Well, new research is proving that not only can the baby hear you, but he or she can understand and even begin to learn and remember things...
Make a BitStrip and you could win!
Make a BitStrip and you could win!
Make a BitStrip and you could win!
Tag Bethany, Sean or Richie in a BitStrip on Facebook and we could pick you to win a prize!  Tomorrow morning Sean, Richie and Bethany will pick their fav BitStrips and give those creative listeners a prize from our prize closet! Friend Sean here...
Oprah in Toga?
Oprah in Toga?
Oprah in Toga?
Did anyone see Miss O in Saratoga last night! I nearly lost my brain when I found out that she could have been within miles of me! I knew I could sense her greatness! Two of Oprah's leadership academy students are now attending Skidmore College and the media mogul was allegedly in town visiting...
North Greenbush! Here We Come!
North Greenbush! Here We Come!
North Greenbush! Here We Come!
As this leg of the Small Town Tour comes to a close, we'll make our last stop at the Alexis Diner in North Greenbush! Sean, Richie, and I have had such a great time meeting all of you and trying all the fun and yummy diner food, and we can't wait to see what's in store for us in North Greenbush...
What Do You Do When Facebook Is Down?
What Do You Do When Facebook Is Down?
What Do You Do When Facebook Is Down?
Maybe you noticed, maybe not... Facebook experienced a slight meltdown this morning! People are freaking out!  So, I have put together a list of 10 things you could do while Facebook is down, besides listening to Today's Country 107...
Which Country Star Started Her Apartment on Fire?
Which Country Star Started Her Apartment on Fire?
Which Country Star Started Her Apartment on Fire?
This year's theme for Fire Prevention Week is "Preventing Kitchen Fires" but, it doesn't look like Carrie Underwood got the message! Carrie tweeted this... She tried to be cute and serve her hubby a home cooked meal, but she accidently started her kitchen on fire...
Dolly's Rap
Dolly's Rap
Dolly's Rap
Two of my favorite people meet this afternoon on The Queen Latifah talk show! Country music legend, and all around amazing woman, Dolly Parton, finds yet another way to reinvent herself by rapping on Queen Latifah's show! Flaunting her famous you-know-what's saying "Whoo, look at them go...

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