GNA’s Secret Star Rescheduled To Sept. 2
As we continue to navigate through the coronavirus pandemic, we have officially rescheduled Secret Star to late summer.
It is certainly a case of good news/bad news. The bad news is we won't be gathering at Proctor's in Schenectady April 15 for our next Secret Star Acoustic Jam. Now the good news: we have a new date to look forward to for one of the most unique shows you will ever attend.
Secret Star will now take place at Proctor's Wednesday, September 2 at 7 p.m. While it is a bummer we will have to wait until late summer for this show, we now have something to look forward to once we get past all the challenges we are facing right now.
Hopefully, we can keep the secret that long and no one finds out who is playing this show until those stars walk out on the stage in September. When they are finally revealed we are going to have such an awesome time watching all the artists trading songs and stories campfire style.
A new on-sale date for the show will be announced soon so keep listening and checking here at our website for updates.
Secret Star is presented by Tech East Fire and Water Restoration and brought to you by Lia Honda and Curtis Lumber.

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