Wrong Way

I’m A Habitual Wrong Way Grocery Shopper
I’m A Habitual Wrong Way Grocery Shopper
I’m A Habitual Wrong Way Grocery Shopper
I'm pretty sure I spent 30 minutes going the 'wrong way' inside Price Chopper last night and I felt like a horrible person because of it.  All of the isles are clearly marked with 'one way' arrows on the floor and I unintentionally awful at abiding by them.  One man saw me coming the wrong way and did the grocery store equivalent of flashing his high beams, he held up a banana and started pointing
787 ‘Wrong Way’ Driver Caught on Video
787 ‘Wrong Way’ Driver Caught on Video
787 ‘Wrong Way’ Driver Caught on Video
This is one of my biggest fears when I'm driving on a highway for some reason, even though it's incredibly unlikely to happen. I'm always on the lookout for a car that is headed in the wrong direction and I'm equally as terrified to enter a "wrong way" part of a highway or road...