winter storm

Here’s a Reason You Might Not Wanna Go to Florida Today
Here’s a Reason You Might Not Wanna Go to Florida Today
Here’s a Reason You Might Not Wanna Go to Florida Today
Just minutes from where my sister and brother-in-law live in Florida, the Pasco County Sheriff's Office is searching for a lion believed to be loose at the Survival Outreach Sanctuary in Spring Hill.  I was just there visiting last week! According to its website, the sanctuary houses large cats such as leopards, tigers and cougars, as well as small cats and deer...
Is Winter Done? [POLL]
Is Winter Done? [POLL]
Is Winter Done? [POLL]
As we dig out from another significant winter snowfall and prepare to 'Spring Forward' this weekend, we'd like to know if you think this will be the final storm of the 2012/2013 winter season.
Let It Snow
Let It Snow
Let It Snow
I bet most of you are not aware, but it's snowing out.  And we are getting hit with a lot of the cold white stuff.  I know it has dominated most all of the Facebook posts I've seen today and all of the news.