Tonight's Powerball drawing already has a record breaking jackpot of $900 Million. And the crazy thing is, $1 Billion could be next!

According to an ABC News story, lottery officials are saying if there are no winners tonight the jackpot will hit $1.3 Billion for Wednesday's drawing.

Imagine the frenzy this week for tickets if it hits $1.3 Billion. And imagine the payouts:

  • If 100 people were to win, they would each take home $13 Million!
  • 1,300 people could have the winning numbers and still take home $1 Million each!

I could have fun with the math all day, but wow - $1 Billion would be nuts. Chances are with the frenzy for tickets already underway, we will get a few winners tonight. Hopefully you and I included. If not - bring on the billion Wednesday!

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