weather channel

Snowboarding the Streets of Saratoga Springs? It Happened [VIDEO]
Snowboarding the Streets of Saratoga Springs? It Happened [VIDEO]
Snowboarding the Streets of Saratoga Springs? It Happened [VIDEO]
Winter Storm Stella has caused a lot of different things to happen in the last 48 hours. I was reading stories of people snow shoeing through Troy, people who would normally keep to themselves digging each other out to help each other prevent parking tickets
Hey Weather Channel: STOP
Hey Weather Channel: STOP
Hey Weather Channel: STOP
Using the word stupid isn't always polite and should be reserved for special occasions  and The Weather Channel trying to name winter storms is a perfect example of when to use the word stupid.
Slip Sliding Away,Ice and Cars (Video)
Slip Sliding Away,Ice and Cars (Video)
Slip Sliding Away,Ice and Cars (Video)
Well after dealing with the morning commute from hell on Monday, and seeing that another front with snow and ice in the forecast may be on its way very soon I thought we would all have a few laughs at the expense of other drivers.