Do you want to be an actor in a popular HBO Max Series? The Hudson Valley Film Commission is looking for adults eighteen and over to film in the mid-Hudson Valley from April through July.
HGTV is renovating "The Brady Bunch" house to look just like the 70s TV show. When they are all done, you will have a chance to stay in the famous house and win twenty-five thousand dollars in cash.
NBC announced that they will be bringing back "Must See TV" this fall. That's great and all, but they obviously didn't think about the rest of us that watch multiple shows on different networks.
My name is Marissa and I've admitted prior that I am a binge-aholic.
This is not a joking matter and is completely serious. I'm not saying it's a problem. In fact, while it may deter my personal growth in social settings, it has allowed me to expand in my knowledge of pop culture so when I am in social setting, I'm great at pop culture trivia.
I thought this might be a good thing to start since I "binge watch" so frequently. Notice I'm okay admitting this because I don't feel like this is looked down upon these days. We all find ourselves doing it, don't we? A television show pops up on Netflix, you remember the
I LOVE Batman. Who doesn't, right? In my eyes, he has always been the greatest of all superheroes and I don't think there have been too many incarnations of the DC Comics hero that I didn't enjoy watching or reading. While I am anxiously awaiting for someone to announce that they are going to do a "Batman Beyond" movie, covering the later years of Bruce Wayne, Fox has thrown me a curveba
Lord knows we could all use a little chuckling these days. If a hurricane or an earthquake doesn't get you, the 24 hour depressing news reports will! At some point you have to force yourself to laugh. It's very good for your heart. Very good!
There's been a little bit of a lull in the action with Charlie. It was getting totally ridiculous for awhile there, I'm sure you'll admit. I was getting 2 and 1/2 spam messages a second!! In fact, all of the media coverage was making me as crazy as....Charlie!!! No offense to the guy, but "ahhhh....loserrrr" comes to mind here. But help is on the way if you've been OverSheened"
Very exciting! The Golden Globe Awards, Sunday nite on NBC starting at 8PM. This is the 68th Awards Show, by the way. (No, I don't remember the first one, Sean!!!)