
Unattractive Women Should Be Featured in Army Ads?
Unattractive Women Should Be Featured in Army Ads?
Unattractive Women Should Be Featured in Army Ads?
Pretty Soldiers Need Not Apply? An email leaked from the account of a PR rep from the US Army states that, "In general, ugly women are perceived as competent while pretty women are perceived as having used their looks to get ahead." She added that the Army typically selects publicity shots with attractive-looking women and "Such photos undermine the rest of the message (and may even
Students Raise Money To Build A New House For A Disabled Vet! – The Good News
Students Raise Money To Build A New House For A Disabled Vet! – The Good News
Students Raise Money To Build A New House For A Disabled Vet! – The Good News
Every morning at 8:10, 'The Sean and Richie Show" does a feature called "The Good News." Let's face it, the world is full of bad news and catastrophes and the media is falling all over itself to bring it to you. Really, just watching the news every night could lead you to depression. So, as I like to say on the show everyday, that is why we bring you now... "The Good News."
13 Marines Come Home From Afghanistan In Style! – The Good News
13 Marines Come Home From Afghanistan In Style! – The Good News
13 Marines Come Home From Afghanistan In Style! – The Good News
Every morning at 8:10, 'The Sean and Richie Show" does a feature called "The Good News." Let's face it, the world is full of bad news and catastrophes and the media is falling all over itself to bring it to you. Really, just watching the news every night could lead you to depression. So, as I like to say on the show everyday, that is why we bring you now... "The Good News."
James Otto Loves The Troops
James Otto Loves The Troops
James Otto Loves The Troops
James Otto is a star in the Capital Region and in country music. WGNA has been playing his hits since he debuted with his #1 hit "Just Got Started Loving You". James also loves our troops.
Honoring Soldiers
Honoring Soldiers
Honoring Soldiers
Today on the show we played a montage of celebrities who had passed in the year 2010. A listener then pointed out on her Facebook that she was angry that we would do this, when the men and women of our armed forces die and their names don't get read on the air.