Meteorology is not an easy science. Being a TV weatherperson comes with the acceptance that you are going to be wrong a lot and people are going to criticize you. However, when you are the weather predicting Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day, expectations may be a little lighter. That was until now.
Before PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) shuts down the annual tradition of Punxsutawney Phil, attempting to replace him with some sort of artificial intelligence version, the furry groundhog got his hustle on perhaps one last time. Phil churned out yet another prediction indicating how much Winter we'll have here in the Northeast.
If PETA gets their way, the famous groundhog that helps us determine how much Winter is left would be be replaced by artificial intelligence. What?! I don't know about you, but I have a mini obsession with Punxsutawney Phil . He's fat and feisty and furry and every year when they hold him up in front of adoring fans on Groundhog Day, I just wanna squeeze him and snuggle him.
I know that Punxsutawny Phil said six more weeks of winter but why in the world would you listen to a groundhog for Pennsylvania when there's a wood chuck in New York that also makes predictions?
If you believe a grown man can speak "Groundhog" then you believe that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on a very cloudy day and we have six more weeks of winter.
I'll bet you didn't think there would be another holiday. Today, there are tons of schools closed, along with many businesses. Didn't you get the memo?