Depending who you ask, getting pregnant isn't easy. It is largely part miracle, part science. And keeping with the scientific side of things, we've come up with our own little theory on which New Yorkers are most likely to get pregnant this year.
She's a queen and a goddess and I love everything she does... and now I can say that she is my soul sista when it comes to one important life decision... neither of us will ever be having another baby again!
You see, I love, love, love my babies, but pregnancy ruined me...
I have been really sick and moody for the last 3 or 4 days. The nauseousness is especially bad in the morning. I was so sick the other day that Sean found me outside trying to get some air. He immediately decided that I was pregnant!
Here's the trouble, I had a tubal ligation 5 years ago...
Well that escalated quickly!
Just a week after they officially announced that they are dating, reports are claiming that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are expecting their first child together!
This is nuts, amirite?????
Blake, 39 recently divorced fellow country star Miranda Lambert, meanwhile in Cali, Gwen Stefani, 46, just divorced her hubby, Gavin Rosdale...
Of course I didn't believe this when I read it. It's one of those headlines that you can't NOT read more about for some reason. What IS it about us inquisitive humans? This is for REAL!
This can't be true. Right? Or is it?
‘Scandal’ star Kerry Washington's baby is due in the spring, and I guess she wants the best for her unborn child and has asked President Obama to be the godfather!” At least that what some checkout line rags are saying...
I feel inclined to address this, but I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Maybe writing about it will help clear my thoughts.
Rencently, Berg Eriksen, a fitness guru and wife of a Norwegian soccer player posted this picture just 3 days after giving birth...
Not to worry, folks. It's not in the United States. But I'm not making this up. It's a hospital in Zimbabwe, and they have a very creative way to make extra money.