Parent Shaming

Jason Aldean Talks To WGNA: A Show For Vegas Victims Could Happen
Jason Aldean Talks To WGNA: A Show For Vegas Victims Could Happen
Jason Aldean Talks To WGNA: A Show For Vegas Victims Could Happen
Jason Aldean admittedly is a very private person, yet much of his life has been made public.  Some of that is just the price of fame which he accepts and acknowledges.  One thing he has a very low tolerance for is social media 'trolls' especially the ones who parent shamed he and wife Brittany while they vacationed in the Bahamas recently.  In a 3 part interview with Brian and Chrissy from the WGN
What’s the Age Cut Off for Your Kids?
What’s the Age Cut Off for Your Kids?
What’s the Age Cut Off for Your Kids?
I feel like I start at least one post a week the same way but I'm not a parent so when I come across articles like this, I have to ask the opinions of people who actually have kids. What's your age cut off for this?