
How Much Would You Pay for the Female Orgasm Mushroom?
How Much Would You Pay for the Female Orgasm Mushroom?
How Much Would You Pay for the Female Orgasm Mushroom?
Scientists have discovered an orange mushroom in Hawaii that can induce instantaneous orgasms in women just from the odor it gives off. Yes, that's right... you just have to take a deep breath in and out and bam!!!!! This orgasm triggered by fungus, or, as some people call it "fungasm," is due in part from hormones in the mushroom that are so close to the ones picked up by our own neurot
20 Women Reenact the Orgasm Scene from When Harry Met Sally [VIDEO]
20 Women Reenact the Orgasm Scene from When Harry Met Sally [VIDEO]
20 Women Reenact the Orgasm Scene from When Harry Met Sally [VIDEO]
I nearly fell out laughing when I saw this video!  The comedy group Improv Everywhere recently had 20 women go to Katz's Deli in New York, where Meg Ryan's famous fake orgasm scene with Billy Crystal from "When Harry Met Sally" was filmed...