michael phelps

Here’s What’s Going On With Phelps’ Shoulder
Here’s What’s Going On With Phelps’ Shoulder
Here’s What’s Going On With Phelps’ Shoulder
It's cupping! Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine where cups are placed upside down on the skin in order to create suction.  It is believed to promote blood flow and promote healing. Cupping is thousands of years old, but has recently been making news because several celebrities are trying it...
Michael Phelps Goes Reality TV…on the Golf Channel!?
Michael Phelps Goes Reality TV…on the Golf Channel!?
Michael Phelps Goes Reality TV…on the Golf Channel!?
Michael Phelps is a bonafide star. In addition to being one of the best athletes in history and the United States’ crown jewel at the Olympic games, the world’s greatest swimmer is also humble, funny, sweet and a just a joy to watch in those post-competition interviews. With his retirement from professional competition pending (if you had as many gold medals as him, you’d consider giving a rest, t
Michael Phelps Is The Man – Go USA
Michael Phelps has more medals than anyone in the history of the Olympics. He is the man and that record will be intact hopefully forever. Michael Phelps is making America smile and feel pride, and we need a lot more of that these days.