Luke Hoag, a student in Hoosick Falls Central School District is once again looking to pay it forward and raise money for Make -A -Wish. He needs our help!
Landon LaChance has neurofibromatosis, a rare, genetic disorder that causes his skin to change color, or causes non-cancerous tumors to form. He's been suffering with the disease for almost his entire life.
He will be the recipient of a wish from the Make-a-Wish foundation and he has chosen to be blessed by Pope Francis...
In November of 2013, I wrote a story about how Make A Wish and the entire city of San Francisco turned one little boy's wish to be a superhero into a reality.
I love Make A Wish, I really do wish I somehow had the resources all by myself to make all of these kid's wishes come true. Fortunately there are many people in the world who feel the same way and some of these kid's with terminal illness actually get to have a little dream come true even in the middle of their darkest times.
I saw this story last night and found the video this morning. I can't stop watching it! Seriously, I think everyone should just keep this one-minute video on their computer so that if you are having a bad day it is ready to go. You just can't not feel so good after watching it. It all started with a "Make A Wish."
I have been following this story for a while now and finally am happy to say it happened and went off without a hitch. This story comes from the great organization, Make A Wish. In San Fransisco they had a 5-year-old boy, Miles Scott, who has been battling leukemia since he was 18 months old who wanted to be Batman. That seems like an impossible wish to make come true but thanks to the concerted e
You can help grant a wish for a local child with a life-threatening medical condition, simply by donating airline miles. Make-A-Wish Northeast New York grants around 100 wishes each year, and most involve air travel. Your donation of airline miles through Wishes in FlightSMcan help make those wishes come true...
The Christmas shopping season is in full swing, and while you're out in one of the many busy malls searching for those perfect gifts don't forget to help children with life threatening illnesses. Adopt An Angel for the Make A Wish Foundation of Northeastern New York.