If you were listening this morning to the show you may have heard Steve Caporizzo talk to us about his special report tonight at 10 p.m. on NEWS10 ABC on Fox23. Last year at this time, a tornado touched down in Duanesburg and they suffered through a terrible storm, luckily there were no fatalities but there was plenty of damage and scars that still remain.
Stephanie Grady came on The Sean And Richie Show today to talk about her visit to the Plum Island animal research facility off the coast of Connecticut.
Very few outsiders have ever set foot in the facility, which has spawned decades of conspiracy theories related to Lyme disease, with some claiming it had a hand in creating and accidentally releasing the disease...
Today on the Sean and Richie Show we had a visit from News 10 ABC/Fox 23's Mark Baker to talk about a story he is covering for Fox 23 tonight. He talked about what is called, geofencing.
On Friday, we had a lot of help and success from you (the WGNA listeners) with The Center For Disability Services radiothon on WGNA, and we thank you. This is one of those things that it seems like we can never do enough for.
Today we had out annual radiothon for the Center For Disabilities services. I think it went pretty good this morning and we will continue on the radio until 7:00 pm tonight. If you can make a donation it would be one of the best things you will do all year. It truly is a local treasure and we are all lucky to have them here in Upstate N.Y.
You couldn’t have asked for a better evening to have a party. The weather was perfect, with sunshine and blue skies. Albany’s Alive at Five had one of the biggest crowds of the season for Country Night with WGNA, as my one blog says about giving you something to do this summer.
The ACM Awards broadcast on CBS last night was phenomenal. Lady A won the "Album of The Year" award for "Need You Now" which they deserved. WGNA Countryfest 2011 headliner Miranda Lambert won 4 ACM awards, and Carrie Underwood rocked!
This Friday, WGNA is asking for your help with our 2nd Annual Center for Disability Services' Radiothon. Not only will we be on-air all day Friday looking for your sponsorship, but each of the on-air personalities will also be co-hosting the telethon Sunday, January 30th,
along with Fox 23 and their staff.