Starting next Monday the latest edition of "Battle Of The 'Burbs" will begin on the Sean and Bethany show right here on WGNA. This time it will be the Father's Day edition of battle of the 'burbs and we will pit 8 of the smartest Dads from 8 different local communities against each other in a battle of wits. So, do you think you have a smart Dad who could use $500 to spend on himself thi
Do you have a teenager? If you do I think you will agree there is always something, something about them you just can't seem deal with and you talk to them, fight with them, ground them and nothing seems to work. So what do you do? Have you ever thought about going to some extreme to get your point across? Well this guy did, and from what I understand so far, it has worked.
It was just last night that after a long talk (lecture) with my 15-year-old son, that I hugged him and told him that he never has to worry about letting me down, that it's my job to be there for him and to be a good father. Being a father is a job I take more seriously than anything else I do, though I fall short all too often. I told him that it is me who is so very afraid that I will let him dow
This is a day that always puts me into a little bit of a funk. So I thought I would use this blog to just quickly pay tribute to Dad, if you don't mind. (I'll make it short-don't worry!)