For a year, this 90-year-old restaurant in downtown Saratoga sat vacated - waiting on a new owner to hatch a plan for the large space - and it finally happened!
Dad bods unite! Here's the best news you have heard all day!
A new survey of 2,544 women found that CHUBBY GUYS are the best in bed! HOORAY!
Here are the top three reasons why-
1. They seem more eager to please the woman than themselves.
Kirstie Alley is back as a spokesperson for Jenny Craig, and she has a new ad out, where she says she's not, quote, "circus fat" she just wants to lose 20 pounds. (Or 30)
Some people think she's mocking fat people.
Kirstie doesn't seem too bothered by it, but on the Today Show she admits the phrase isn't politically correct...
1. It's springtime, and you need to know how to keep your flowers looking great longer! Well, Viagra doesn't just work on men . . . it also works on flowers. If one milligram of Viagra is dissolved in a vase of water, it can make flowers stand up straight without wilting for up to a WEEK longer than usual...
JEWEL MOORE, a high-school junior from Farmville, Virginia, started a petition on to get Disney to make a movie about a Plus-Sized Princess.
Jewel is plus-size herself, beautiful, and wise beyond her years. Her petition states, quote, "Studies show that a child's confidence correlates greatly with how much representation they have in the media...