I recently featured an article about the new Billboard Charting system that will now change the way Country Music songs will rank on the Country Music charts.
I was recently puzzled when I put together the week's top Country songs and found Taylor Swift occupying 3 of the Top 10 spots, something I can't ever recall happening in recent Country Music History. This is rare because an artist or record company usually only promotes one current single at time. After some investigating I found the reason why Taylor Swift and other pop stars may continue this d
It's sounds weird to many long time country music fans to say Ronnie Dunn without saying Kix Brooks in the next breath. Times change, people change and sometimes things that go away lead to new beginnings.
I have seen some tough fights at the top of the country music charts before, but the current fight for the top spot between Jason Aldean and Brad Paisley may be one of the best ever.