It's called HomeChat.  It basically says what it does.  You can chat with your stove and your washing machine.  (Is this a Jetson's episode or for real?) 

Just when you thought you've heard it all comes a way that you can send a text message to your appliances.  You have to have an LG compatible appliance for it to work, and you also have to live in China to purchase it, but I'm sure it will be coming soon.  Here's how it works

Now I'm as much of a geek as the next geek, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure I would trust that this would work correctly.  Can you imagine texting your stove to shut off, and you drive into your driveway with an odd burning smell coming from your garage?    I'm sure that would happen to me.

Would you purchase something like this, and would you trust it yourself?  Would love to know.  Leave a message in the comment section (or text me if you'd like! )


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