This is probably the most awesome game shows fail I've ever seen!


Wheel of Fortune can be incredibly difficult at times. For example; trying to guess a three word phrase consisting of 13 letters with only one letter "E" revealed would be quite impressive!  Borderline Mensa if you ask me. At the same time, Wheel of Fortune can be INSANELY easy!  Just read the freakin' words man.  How does this man get this wrong?  A Street Car NaKed Desire? I realize it's a movie from the 1950's but sheesh; some things are timeless. Rebel Without a Pause, Bingin' in the Rain, and LaZy and the Tramp are also movies from the 1950's that every single person alive over the age of 20 (assuming they can speak) should be able to read!

Oh, and for the record, here's that three word phrase consisting of 13 letters with just the "E" revealed  _ _ _E   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _

The answer btw, GAME SHOW MORON

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