Do you know what Instagram is?  It's a very cool app that lets you take a picture, apply an effect to it and then post it.  That would be cool enough, but now there might be a way to show your photos to others in your house without a computer.  

It's called Instacube. It's an idea in the making.  It's not on the shelves yet, but it might be very soon.  You take an Instagram photo, and as long as you have an account, your photos get pushed to someone's "cube" sitting on their kitchen table or living room or whatever.  Check this out!

Again, it's a project in the making.  First the all important funds have to be raised for it.  The inventor put it up on a site called Kickstarter.  CNN can tell you what THAT's about, but basically it's a way for a whole crowd of people on the internet can contribute money to see an idea come true.  Here's an explanation from

I hope this idea comes to life and he gets the funding.  That way when I take an Instagram photo here in the studio, it will show up on your table.  Here's one I took this morning of the head bagpiper for the upcoming Scottish Games at the Altamont Fairgrounds.

bill monroe instagram



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