97 Year Old WWII Vet Takes A Knee For NFL (PIC)
97 Year Old WWII Vet Takes A Knee For NFL (PIC)
97 Year Old WWII Vet Takes A Knee For NFL (PIC)
We talked about NFL players "taking a knee" during the National Anthem on the show Monday morning and we heard some powerful sentiments supporting it and opposing it. None of else will ever agree on everything 100% of the time, and in my opinion, that along with the ability to openly express it, is what makes this country great. Check out this viral photo of 97 year old WWII vet John Mid
Fly In A World War II Plane [PHOTO]
Fly In A World War II Plane [PHOTO]
Fly In A World War II Plane [PHOTO]
My twelve year old nephew, Carter, loves everything World War II. He knows all of the rich history, the types of ammunition and guns used, and the types of planes they flew. If you have someone like this in your life, they aren't going to want to miss this amazing visit to the Capital Region.