
Pitbull Just Wants to Be Your New BFF, Meet Chynna [VIDEO]
Pitbull Just Wants to Be Your New BFF, Meet Chynna [VIDEO]
Pitbull Just Wants to Be Your New BFF, Meet Chynna [VIDEO]
Steve Caporizzo always gets the best animals for each Pet Connection, which I'm sure is because there are amazing dogs in these local shelters looking to be a part of your family. Tonight's dog is no different. Please make Chynna a new member of your family.
Local Puppy Needs Help
Local Puppy Needs Help
Local Puppy Needs Help
A few years ago, this brave dog's story turned him into a local celebrity. Thanks to your support, the dog found a home, but he needs you again.
What I learned Watching The CMT Music Awards
What I learned Watching The CMT Music Awards
What I learned Watching The CMT Music Awards
I should tell you when I first decided to write this review of the CMT Music Awards I was pretty sure it was going to be pretty negative in nature. When I began to watch the show I was being barraged by celebrity cameos, r&b remixes, crazy outfits, and even a performance by Pitbull, yes the rapper, Pitbull. I really had all I could do to not turn the show off when Luke Bryan came onto stage wi
Watch Dog Make His Own Swing
Watch Dog Make His Own Swing
Watch Dog Make His Own Swing
Kids, don't try this at home. My brother has a pitbull boxer mix and while I love him to death, I call him DBD which stands for "dumb butt dog." He's done many dumb things in the time that my brother has had him (and while I had him while my brother was in Iraq as a fire fighter), and something tells me he would do something like this...
Country Remix
Country Remix
Country Remix
It's no secret -- I love Jerrod Niemann. I cannot handle partying with the guy because he truly can "drink to that all night," and I just can't anymore, but I do love to try when he comes to town. When the song "Drink to That All Night" came out, I also must confess I thought, "Wow, is that country?" Well, what is and what isn't country can be debated all day and many