
What I Learned The Day I Got Stopped By A Cop
What I Learned The Day I Got Stopped By A Cop
What I Learned The Day I Got Stopped By A Cop
Thursday was National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and even though this is a few days late, I feel it's always a good time for us to reflect on a moment in need when someone in blue came and helped us out.  I personally have called on a police officer for a litany of things that range from seeing someone trying to break into cars in my neighborhood to literally being the schmuck who ran out of
Top 10 Capital Region Cities That Nail The Most Speeders
Top 10 Capital Region Cities That Nail The Most Speeders
Top 10 Capital Region Cities That Nail The Most Speeders
We've all been guilty of pushing the speed limits at one time or another, and they say for every 10 times you're creeping over the limit, you get caught once on average.  With that being said, it does feel like certain parts of the Capital Region tend to be a little more risky than others.  Here's a numerical list of 10 local towns and cities that have issued the most fines for lead-footed for 518

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