childhood obesity

How Disinfectants Might Be Making Kids Fat
How Disinfectants Might Be Making Kids Fat
How Disinfectants Might Be Making Kids Fat
It's pretty obvious to most people paying attention, that kids today are staying indoors playing video games or obsessing over their phones way more than the generation before them.  However, a recent study suggests that childhood obesity could be linked to, of all the things,  various household products
Hey Kid – Would You Like Milk With That Burger?
Hey Kid – Would You Like Milk With That Burger?
Hey Kid – Would You Like Milk With That Burger?
If you live in Davis California, you might hear this apstatement alot when you bring your kids in to a fast food establishment.. According to SF, they are proposing in this city to require servers to ask kids if they would like milk or water instead of automatically defaulting to soda as a choice...