
Donate Miles
Donate Miles
Donate Miles
Every year the Make-A-Wish Foundation needs airline miles to help cover the expense of 50,000 round trips they use to make wishes come to life for children with life threatening illnesses.
Make-A-Wish ‘Wishes In Flight Campaign’
Make-A-Wish ‘Wishes In Flight Campaign’
Make-A-Wish ‘Wishes In Flight Campaign’
You can help grant a wish for a local child with a life-threatening medical condition, simply by donating airline miles. Make-A-Wish Northeast New York grants around 100 wishes each year, and most involve air travel. Your donation of airline miles through Wishes in FlightSMcan help make those wishes come true...
Helping a Single Dad
Helping a Single Dad
Helping a Single Dad
Sometimes I have to be honest, I think what in the world has happened to society. The news is full of horrible stories about horrible people doing horrible things. That's why I just love a story about someone who cares about others and goes out of their way to help another person out. We had an amazing example of that today on the Sean and Richie Show.
Help the Poor
Help the Poor
Help the Poor
Easter is the holiest of holidays to many, and regardless of that we need to respect our elders. I received an email earlier today from the local Little Sisters Of The Poor and I knew if I shared the info with you, the best listeners in the world that you would help them out.
Acts of Kindness
Acts of Kindness
Acts of Kindness
So last week, I was reading my e mail and I came across a letter from a girl who is a Cazenovia College Alum. She told me about a Facebook campaign she and her friends from college had started to promote 365 days of kindness and was hoping I could help her get the word out because it seemed to be spreading faster and further than they had ever really anticipated...

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