Tonight, the family eagerly took in the sequel to "Finding Nemo," "Finding Dory." This was very much one of the few must-see movie releases for us, and overall I would have to say, it was very good.

Movie critics and the general public rarely agree when it comes to a movie, but this movie has had much success with reviews from both groups and has set all new box office records for an animated film.

I guess the first question to ask is why did it take so long for Pixar to make a sequel to a film as loved as "Finding Nemo?" I think the answer is also how I would review this movie.

In my opinion, the answer was probably because you had to do the first film justice. Throwing out a poorly written and ill conceived idea would have ruined the franchise for future movies and tarnished what is now a children's classic. This movie was neither poorly written or ill conceived.  In fact, in my humble opinion, it is at times TOO well written and at times the message a bit too heavy for the genre.

I thought the movie was a bit more socially "heavy" than it's predecessor and perhaps tried almost too hard to get the message to the audience. The message to me was that we all, no matter what our differences, disabilities or self perceived weaknesses are have value to the world. This message of course has real truth and value so if it in any way was at times forced, I did not mind.

I guess you could say there is a possible "spoiler" in this review and it comes in the video review from my son, Caden. He mentions that Dory does indeed find her parents, but we all knew that already. To me however, that isn't the story here at all, the real story is that Dory finds Dory.

In that I think we can all find hope that we too find our true selves and self worth.

Caden's thoughts on "Finding Dory:"


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