This looked very serious.  You don't hear this kind of thing happening too often around these parts - a "slide" of dirt and debris in Bethlehem

It's events like this that makes you think about other areas of the country that have experienced much much worse - causing houses to get washed away and people killed.

Luckily this was on a much smaller scale, but according to the Times Union, it appears that a large section of a bank overlooking the Normans Kill started to slide and eventually fell into the water.

Screen Shot Normans Kill
Google Earth

The problem here is that it is more than "two football fields long", and actually cut off the flow of water.

Proving once again that you don't mess with mother nature.  Trees were literally ripped out of the ground, and they are still working as we speak to clear it and restore the river to it's regular state.  Looks like they have some of it cleared at this writing.

Condolences to the surrounding golf courses and to all who live there!



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