If you need to travel on the Northway in Colonie, around the area of Exit 4 this weekend, you may want to plan to take a different route.

Exit 4 Of The Northway
Exit 4 Of The Northway (Google Street View)

It’s all part of the reconstruction of the bridges that carry the Northway over Albany Shaker Road. The northbound lane is where the construction will be affecting traffic, with the closing of the Exit 4 ramp to Wolf Road. That will be closing sometime this afternoon (Friday), and remain closed through the weekend.

The other thing that is going to happen is a traffic shift in the northbound lane. Beginning around 8:00 p.m. this evening, traffic will be directed to travel onto a new replacement section of the bridge over Albany Shaker Road, and there will be a reduction of three lanes to two lanes. This part of the construction project is expected to continue until 6:00 a.m. on Monday morning (June 15).

Washington Ave Extension Sign
Washington Ave Extension Sign (Bro.Lou Roberts Collection)
Construction Starts Monday 6/15
Construction Starts Monday 6/15 (Bro.Lou Roberts Collection)

Another traffic situation will begin on Monday, June 15. There have been signs posted on Washington Avenue Extension in Albany for construction to begin on Monday June 15. Construction signs have been posted in both direction of the road.

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