It goes without saying how much all of us here at GNA appreciate the men and women of the Capital Region who save lives on the daily (whether paid or a volunteer) as a firefighter or an EMT. If that is something you've always to do, and you've got that fire in your DNA, many local volunteer fire departments are holding recruitment events/open houses this weekend, part of the Is There A Fire In You initiative.


Click on the link provided below for the names and contact information for fire and emergency medical services (EMS) providers for various counties throughout New York State.  These agencies are volunteer. In addition to the personal rewards of special service to the community, volunteer firefighters enjoy several tangible benefits. Tax breaks, tuition reimbursement and paid health checkups are only a start. You also enter an environment where you receive invaluable training, experience working with a team and leadership opportunities. You become a part of a centuries-old legacy that you can be proud of.

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