Imagine attending a funeral of a loved one only to return to that person's house to find it had been broken into and robbed.  An elderly Niskayuna woman, who recently passed away, had her house violated by despicable thieves who walked into her home during broad daylight stealing valuables  while grieving family and friends paid their respects.

The crime is believed to have happened before the 85 year old woman's funeral, when the home was unnocupied.  Family and friends were gathered at her funeral during the day, and when they returned there a few hours later, the crime had been committed. News Channel 13  detailed that thieves will often times read the obituary to find details about funeral service times, targeting precious hours to enter an unoccupied home.  "The death happened and there was a burglary to the residence a couple days later," explains Niskayuna Deputy Police Chief Michael Stevens.

Unfortunate to say the least, that even a criminal would sink this low.


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