What a strange topic for a blog, right?  I know.  I kind of agree.  But on the other hand, this excites me.  A guy who looked at a powerstrip and said "enough!"  There's got to be a better way!

my powerstrip

This is my actual powerstrip in the studio.  In fact, I have 2 of these.  I have a musical keyboard, digital recorder, laptop, Levack's laptop mixer, external hard drive, minidisk recorder and more plugged in to this thing, and it looks like a big bunch of linguine down there.  Wires all over. And it's so crowded.  The stupid adapters are too big for the spaces they make for them!

Well someone out there feels our pain. Jake Zein.  He is actually part of an invention community called Quirky.com. It was his idea, but he enlisted help from all of these people online, and this was the result:

Being a hopeless geek, these things turn me on (I'm now ahead in the  Sean and Richie PUN-OFF contest).  It's amazing how a little idea like this could be so brilliant!  Proving once again that no  idea is too crazy if you get encouragement.  This site is a great way to feel good about your brainstorm and get help in the process.   (Speaking of great ideas, see my recent blog about a local boy who invented a dog paw washer!)

Do you have any ideas that you think would make alot of money?  Share them with me!  Then I can steal it and retire in St. Thomas!    (these are what we like to call jokes!)

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