New information put out by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization) says cell phones might be a carcinogen that MIGHT be linked to brain cancer.  Great, just what I wanted to hear as I check my email, text messages and voicemail on my smartphone.  Does that mean I'm at even more of a risk because I use my cellphone for many more means of communication than just dialing someone?


Texting on Cell Phone



According to, two studies showed a higher risk of developing cancer in people who use cell phones than those that do not use a cell phone.  The studies tracked people who used their phone on an average of 30 minutes a day for a time period of ten years.  Well that's just perfect for me and probably everyone else who has a smartphone.  Not to say you hold your phone up to your head/ear to check emails or text messages, but you certainly keep your cell phone more readily by your side than people did ten years ago -- that's for sure. 

A review is being done by a panel of 31 scientists from 14 countries to try and come with a "full consensus."  They stressed that more research needed to be done to make up for some incomplete data as well as evolving technology and any other factor that may change these results for today's society/habits.



In case you're worried, here are five ways on how to reduce the amount of radiation you are being exposed to by your cell phone (according to

  • Start Using a Wired Headset - radiation is only emitted from the wire, not the headset near your head.  A wireless device, such as a Bluetooth, gives off less radiation, but still quite a bit.
  • Use Your Speakerphone More Often - keeping your phone inches away from your head will decrease your exposure to radiation by four times.
  • Switch Sides - be sure you use your cell phone on both your right and left sides of your head (you know, so you can spread the cancer to your whole brain and not just one side).  Apparently, it's better if you alternate.
  • Don't Talk On Your Phone While You're Driving - your phone emits more radiation when driving because it's constantly searching for new cell phone towers to connect to.  Plus, unless hands free, it's illegal in New York State.
  • Send More Text Messages - less time close to your head means less radiation.

What do you think?  Will this new information and research stop you from using your cell phone or will it just make you more careful when using your cell phone?

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